Complaint Statement
How to make a complaint about our product or service :
If you want to make a complaint about our product or service , you can do so by email, letter or telephone, however we encourage you to make your complaint in writing if possible. All complaints should be made within 30 days of the date that the event occurred, or the date that the issue came to your attention.
We value your opinion
We are committed to providing high quality and accessible service to everyone we deal. We hope to make your experience with us excellent . We like to know your comments and suggestions about our service when you contacted us, or when using any of our products . We also know that sometimes things go wrong, and that’s where our complaints policy comes in. If you have a comment or complaint you want to make, you are encouraged to talk to us, as this will help us to learn from our mistakes and improve our service wherever possible.
Handling your complaint
We are committed to resolve as many issues as we can the very first time you contact us. Our staff you talk to will try his or her best to see it through to resolution wherever possible.
In some cases, you may receive your response from the person or department responsible for that aspect of our work. If your complaint is of a serious nature, and you remain dissatisfied with our conclusion the matter may be escalated to a higher level. More detail surrounding this will be provided when we handle your complaint.